What does The Human Element mean to you?

We talked to 8 of the participants at the International Human Element Update.
This is what they answered to the question: "What is The Human Element to you?"

Flavienne, France
The Human Element is aligned with my
essence; especially the encounter process lives
in me. We sort of recognize each other.

Luis, Portugal
It's a reference frame of human relationship.
It's a way to be and to understand myself, as
well as others. It's a life philosophy.

Robert, US
It supports people to reach a deeper level than
just behaviour, to a sense of who they are. It is
lasting and sustainable.

Mis, Sweden
It was like coming home. During these years
I've grown myself, as well as experienced the
magic awakening in others.

Laura, Italy & France
The most powerful is the openness with myself,
when I touch my essence. This is the way to
create useful, fun values for me and others.

Mariola, Mexico
It is transition from being in transaction, to being
in relations – in organisations, in my life. It is a
chance to build a better world for everyone.

Emi, Japan
Knowing The Human Element gave me the
ability and option to work out problems with
people I didn't work so well with. It builds both
fun and trust!

Olivier, France
It is the most simple and the most powerful, to
be used at all times in life. Trust and confidence
are the keys, everywhere.