Better relationships, effective leadership behaviour, increased resilience and collaboration. The LIFO personal survey reveals your behavioural pattern in both balanced circumstances and conflicted situations.
– It is a very simple tool. Within two hours you can get a better understanding of yourself, says Niclas Folkesson, cofounder, partner and consultant at CoreCode International, Swedish agents of the LIFO method.
The Life Orientation method focuses on maximizing your strengths, managing your potential weaknesses and it values individual differences. It supports both individual and team development.
– We see LIFO as a great additional tool to those we already use, says Niclas Folkesson.
Beneficial and harmful behaviour
The method was developed in 1967 by Stuart Atkins, a behavioural scientist who found that we have four distinct styles with different drivers and motivators that generate four different behaviour patterns that could both benefit or harm you, depending on the situation: supporting, controlling, conserving and adapting.
Create awareness
Niclas Folkesson takes himself as an example.
– I am a person who is both helpful, control taking, analytical and adaptive. When I am in resistance my control taking and analytical sides grow. What I really try to do is to be more helpful, but others perceive me as control taking. With the LIFO method I become aware of my resistance. Then I can pause and choose to act from a more helpful mindset.
A tool to be used by many
The LIFO method is used in over 30 countries around the world but until now there are only a few certified consultants in Sweden. Niclas and two of his colleagues, Michael Szendof Carlsson and Kurt Karlsson, are master trainers. The next step is that the consultants in the CoreCode network can get a certification, with the goal to offer the tool to the their clients next year.
– Our aim is to get the consultants in our network to see the beauty of this method, so it will be used by many, concludes Niclas Folkesson.